Cervicalgia is loosely defined as a pain in the neck. What actually got me to decide to create and publish my first blog isn't pain, but a condition that is often associated with pain called cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM). This is what it looks like (from the MRI I had at Duke, 6-17-2008). Click on picture for larger image
After visits with 4 doctors, a fair amount of reading/research, and some soul-searching I decided to have surgery to repair this condition to prevent any further damage to my spinal cord that, if it happened, would cause disability in some unknown but unwanted form.
The surgery is a pretty big deal -- general anesthesia and all its risks, removal of the offending disc, replacing it with a piece of cadaver bone.
I thought a blog would be a good place to scribble some random musings about the upcoming deal, get my thoughts out there (thanks, Andy) and maybe be a good place to connect with friends and family as I go through recovery.
More fun pictures later!